Do Eun Kim


Do Eun Kim is a creative individual who is passionate and eager about the realms of fashion and digital. Having lived in Korea, Russia, Canada, and the US, Do Eun’s multicultural experiences have significantly influenced her unique identity and granted her a deep understanding of diverse cultures. Her aesthetic views on design reflect these varied influences, offering a rich tapestry of ideas. Do Eun's creative process starts off with looking back at herself and the life she has gone through. She draws inspiration from her personal experiences, cultural heritage, and the beauty she encounters in everyday life.
Beyond her passion for fashion, Do Eun is also interested in the fields of technology, graphic design, and media. She merges these fields with her fashion sensibilities, bringing a distinctive, multifaceted perspective to her projects. In essence, Do Eun is an enthusiast of various creative industries whose curiosity and determination allow her to explore new horizons, challenge conventional boundaries, and breathe life into her imaginative visions.