Sammy Dreibelbis
Lesbian Bars have been rapidly declining in the United states from 200 to 20 nationwide. There is no explanation for why this occurs, whether it is because they are losing business due to being considered just "Lesbian" or now a wider variety of queer bars that exist and anyone can go into. Regardless coming to NYC I was able to fully explore and express my sexuality most dearly when I would come to Lesbian Bars like Henrietta Hudson and Cubbyhole. Being in those bars made me feel at home and I have the fondest memories of bringing friends from home, making new friends and connections, and feeling at my most comfortable state in these spaces.
My collection is made for anyone of any Gender Identity, furthermore are considered for performance wear at the clubs given that a lot of queer bars host drag nights, strippers, and gogo dancers.
Models: Kayla Rask, Renata Camiletti, Sam Davis, Shelby Toni Tse, Thomas Koenings, Zoe Fustgard.
Makeup, Photography: Sammy Dreibelbis
Videos taken by: Mahayla Meyer
Makeup, Photography: Sammy Dreibelbis
Videos taken by: Mahayla Meyer