Omar Seivwright

"This ATM reminds me of Track 4, Dump First... How many stickers does is take to transcend the meaning of the ATM?" There's a point where purpose transforms to art"

Merging innovative design with traditional elements, New York City born visonary Omar Seivwright uses his personal experience of being commonly caught in-between two extremes as a design language, not only in fashion but also through illustration, graphic design, and world building. Driving his passion for design and innate sense of style, is an idea that seeks to define the space between function and technique. Throughout this collection, the use of color as a primary tool to create relationships and build a narrative is one that is inspired by his surroundings. The ethos of his approach to design maintains the idea that design is born through observation and then transformation.
Beyond his design work, Omar aims to be an inspiring mentor and community leader, who actively engages with creatives to foster creativity and inclusivity in the design world. His vision extends beyond clothing; its about creating a lasting impact and empowering others through the transformative power of design and visual storytelling.
Omar Seivwright also is a recipient of the 2020 Scholastic Gold Key Award where his self portrait "Mine Eyes" was displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art amongst other artists.