Jacqueline Ternan


Thesis Statement

ZENITH:/ˈzēnəTH ~ Noun: The time at which something is most powerful or successful. Astronomy: The point in the sky or celestial sphere directly above an observer.
What would life look like if humans were not at the top of the food chain? What can intellectually and biologically advanced beings do to nurture the environment instead of taking and abusing it? Imagine far beyond the most distant stars. Five light years away from our dying planet Earth there sits an exoplanet named Zenith. It orbits two stars and has ideal heat and ten percent more oxygen than Earth. Conditions like these make Zenith an ideal place for advanced life to thrive. These five main species that inhabit this planet all have their important and vast roles in sustaining life and nature on the planet. The ocean ruler Devobula and land lurkers called Gnashers. Wandering human trees named Alanti and swimming in the sand are packs of Prosomnia. The hot windy skies are flooded with levitating Pappi (pappus); they are also the lowest on the food chain but vital to the survival of autotrophs inhabiting Zenith’s lands.
Image: Character Design Inspiration: H.R Giger, Sadan Vague, Ken Barthelmey


Using special effects makeup and dramatic contour to elevate the face from human to otherwordly being.
Makeup Artists: Jacq Ternan (lead artist and MUA Designer), Arianne Lachey (assistant MUA)
Image: Makeup Design Board - Designed by Jacq Ternan
Image: Look 1 ~ Model: Sarah Burke ~ Dramatic graphic liner look
Image: Look 2 ~ Model: Samuel John ~ Graphic contour and handmade ostrich feather eyelash extensions.
Image: Look 3 ~ Model: Isaac Centre ~ Black mold inspired look
Image: Look 4 ~ Mix of Digital SFX and Physical ~ Model: Jacq Ternan ~ Shark Teeth face and neck prosthetic.
Image: Look 5 ~ Model: William Jones ~ Full Body Special Effects Look ~ PVC tubes, ribbed breasts, large fin arm extremities ~
Image: ~ neck spikes and imprinted forehead bulge.
Image: Look 2 ~ Devobula ~ Tailored skirt and jacket made from black cowhide and embossed cowhide leather. The jacket is carefully wet-molded to convey a devil-ray silhouette. Then hand-painted with liquid rubber and pearlized. Liquid rubber imprinted with bubble wrap texture then molded to the tail of the skirt. String sleeves individually dipped in liquid rubber.
Image: These devil rays rule the ocean waters from top to bottom. Ranging anywhere from 8 to 30 feet long the Devobula are menacing creatures that protect the reefs within Zeniths oceans. Due to their dark complexion, they can soak up copious amounts of heat during the day at the top of the waters and dive to the deepest parts of the oceans during the night. They lurk on the beaches at night in search of their prey. One spotted they hurl themselves on land and drag the unlucky foe into the depth of the sea. Swallowing them whole in seconds. They can leave trails of black plankton to help shield themselves from the sun or disguise their massive bodies in the water.
Image: Look 1 ~  Gnashers ~ Hand painted and sculpted jaw covered in resin. Leather top and skirt hand painted and wet molded to emulate torn gums and muscles.
Image: These beings live mainly on land and their entire body is bare gum and muscle. Acting as a walking shark gill the Gnasher breathes through its entire epidermis. Gnashers' bodily functions work in reverse compared to humans. They produce 3 times the amount of carbon dioxide that a regular human does breathing in a day.
Image: Look 3 ~ Alanti ~ Wet molded and hand painted bodice coated in liquid rubber then pearlized. Suede sailor pants with slashes extension on the back to portray tree roots.

Alanti ~ Wanders the forest and acts as a super-intelligent autotroph.


Look 4 ~ Prosomnia ~ Liquid latex with embedded shark teeth prosthetic top. Transparent leather skirt with pealing dye treatment.


Prosomnia ~ Swimming beneath the sandy dunes and beaches of Zenith they slither in packs. They are harmless creatures however their spikey bodies allow them to be tough iif a predator attempts to eat them.

Image: Look 5 ~ Pappus ~ Full body sfx look ~ transparent leather and liquid latex skirt blending and attached to the body. PVC tubes, ribbed breasts, large fin arm extremities, neck spikes, and imprinted forehead bulge. The hot windy skies are flooded with levitating Pappi (pappus); they are also the lowest on the food chain but vital to the survival of autotrophs inhabiting Zenith’s lands.


Jacq’s approach to post-humanism begs the question of what other life exists in our universe. If there is no proof of other life forms in our universe why not imagine the possibilities of there being more? This very philosophy drives Jacq to create a spectrum of surrealist fashion. The universes they create pull from mythological, sci-fi, and horror aesthetics. Inhabitants of these worlds are brought to life in collections explore the possibilities of existence beyond humanness. 

Obliterating restrictive molds of beauty and binary standards, the post-human admirer embodies a mystical state of being. Inviting one to admire their sense of imagination and find levity in reality.